Coming soon. Follow Auraglyph on social media for updates:
Auraglyph is an audio software programming, composition, and design system for iPad in which processing structures are created with stylus and multitouch input. Via stylus input, users draw a variety of audio and control nodes and the interconnections between them. These nodes are further parameterized by modal handwritten input, from simple numerals to time- and frequency-domain signals. Machine learning-based handwriting recognition is used to analyze the user's stylus strokes, affording a rich vocabulary of symbolic input. Additional nodes are available for creating conventional input/output interfaces, such as on-screen knobs and sliders and MIDI I/O.
Watch the Auraglyph teaser video:
Sketching Sound: Gestural Interaction in Expressive Music Programming (dissertation defense)
Sketching Sound: Gestural Interaction in Expressive Music Programming (doctoral dissertation)
Searching for Gesture and Embodiment in Live Coding (ICLC 2017)
Auraglyph: Handwriting Input for Computer-based Music Composition and Design (NIME 2014)
Additional details, videos, and source code coming soon.